Evergreen Life Care
Provide Evergreen Life Care with their own distributed internet infrastructure that offers managed telecommunication services such as phone lines and internet.
Evergreen Life Care wanted to give their residence a single managed portal that provides phone and internet services and allows the organisation to access the services themselves without becoming a registered internet service provider. NBN installed Fibre to the Premmies (FttP) in all Evergreen Life Care’s self-contained units and existing living areas, but couldn’t manage this since all services have to go through an NBN authorised internet service provider. Rising Connection was approached by one of their suppliers and was introduced to their client and the existing problem.
Rising Connection was initially approached to conduct a customised wireless survey of the area and provide a recommendation as to where the access points should be placed. From that report, the existing integrator commissioned Rising Connection to undertake an analysis, design a solution, and install the system.
Rising Connection designed and built a private internet infrastructure for Evergreen Life Care. They had to install a core router and erect over a dozen relay locations throughout the facilities, and on those, they had to build an independent backend network across the site wirelessly since they can’t touch the NBN fibres. They have also rolled out several access points to supply wireless services.
Having their own independent network, Evergreen Life Care has been able to deliver enterprise level services such as VoIP phone via Wi-Fi and Internet.
The improvements also allowed Evergreen Life Care to offer better packages to their existing and prospective clients such as providing free Wi-Fi to residents, guests and staff members and more extensive use of VoIP Telephony.
The team at Rising Connection went to amazing lengths to help understand the challenges and find a solution for us to use, we look forward to an ongoing relationship as we grow
Rising connection came in with an end to end solution, giving us the time and support we needed, the solution has given us the commercial confidence to know we are equipped to deliver the requirements of our customers on time